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Category Archives: Photography

Many more of these compelling photographs can be seen here:, via Reality Sandwich
The artist’s blog can be found here:

High Pressure
What’s new about Newton ?

Without the hands !
Something goes wrong

The global warming
Happy to see you again

I changed the wordpress theme on my personal blog just now and so I made a bunch of new images for the header using the visual manipulation distortion filters. Although these have been around forever they are probably still amongst some of the best image deconstruction tools that I know of. Not to mention that they are also open sourced…

Although they still work beautifully even with PS CS5 the VM plugins are kind of hard to come by these days. I have therefore decided to share mine, available from here. These are PC only, as far as I know there never were any made for Mac. Simply unzip and put in the plugins directory of photoshop.

first, watch the videos

i thought the guy had an incredible studio and miniatures to do these. but it turns out that he is using tilt-shift lenses on his camera  (check out what tilt-shift is ) to obtain this miniature effect on images. the trick is, most probably, depth of field and carefully applied time lapse shootings. looks pretty amazing. i likes.

keith loutit’s page

Va 301 Fall 2009 Documentation.


-murat d.

Stuck with what to do next?

Select a color.

Start thinking visually around it.

Go to tumblr., start a visual blog:



Such is the wonderful world of search results on google that in an inadvertent manner it helped me locate something that I was looking for and the name of which I had forgotten. When Murat posted tag galaxy on the arts and computation blog I was immediately reminded of a stunning data visualization project on Flickr. But try as I might I could not remember what it was called. And then I woke up one morning to find that someone, somewhere in the world had conducted a search using the terms “flickr information visualization” and had found us. However number one on the search results was Time Graphs, which was the piece that I was looking for!

So here it is: Ladies and gentlemen, Time Graphs!