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Monthly Archives: March 2010

Great film for Google’s internet browser Chrome. Created by BBH New York, BBH London & the team at Glue London worked super closely together with the Google team on the development of the strategy, creative and media. The Director was Aaron Duffy and the production company were 1st Avenue Machine in New York. Behind the scene is here.

Bookmark this wonderful website for testing and comparing the appearance of type on screen. It includes the safe list (common fonts in Windows and Mac), Windows default list and Mac default list, in order to “make web designer’s life easier”.

Nagoya, Japan based graphic designer Kenichi’s thesis project Japan: The Strange Country is a very good example of info-graphic, motion piece.

Excellent (and free!), online color picker which lets you pick a color theme based upon various parameters and even shows you light and dark versions of a dummy web page. There are many tabs which let you adjust tonal values, lightness, saturation etc. Also on the top you will see little wheels which operate based upon various color contrast schemes.

Tip: The further you go right with these wheels the nicer your color scheme is likely to be. Analogic usually works better than Complementary – especially for beginners!

for those who are curious, a nice motion graphics explanation by melih bilgil.

Excellent collection of 20th century Graphic Design, particularly International Typographic Style.

Two CI systems by Massimo Vignelli from Alki1’s Flickr.


babylon logo was never a special one but this..

on/off logo will never be the same for me… neither will babylon:)


I stumbled upon some interesting data visualization from 1874. The data might be controversial but still, you may want to take a look. It gets interesting after screen shot.

-murat d.

when i was just chatting with a friend about how i admire handcrafted – non computational works much more than computational/interactive works, i came across this friendly, kind of crazed project.

cameron moll reconstructed colosseum by type (Goudy Trajan and Bembo Pro to be specific), letter by letter with some additional glyphs based on italian calligrapher M. Giovambattista Palatino, as featured in Libro di M. Giovambattista Palatino Cittadino Romano, published in Rome around 1550 AD.

i can feel the hard work just by focusing on a little portion of the typed building. just wow…

needless to say. cool. check out balint’s portfolio too!

Trace is a sculptural device that alludes to scientific discoveries and pseudoscientific concepts such as phrenology, physiognomy, and craniometry. A revolving plaster cast of the artist’s head is slowly deconstructed into a mathematical diagram that changes as time passes. The peculiarities of the human face that as humans, we attach so much importance to, is dematerialised into a changing drawing that embodies the differential undulations of the human anatomy. ‘Trace’ questions our notion of self and how through technology we have found different visual representations for the individual. DNA profiling, retina scans and the fingerprint are all things that are conjured up by the meticulous mechanical process of the work. The topographical images are turned into a new form of three-dimensional representation that draws our attention to the ‘space within’.


No other living creature features as heavily in contemporary character design and art as the humble hare. But what exactly makes bunnies so irresistible to artists, designers and illustrators worldwide? Depending on the viewers’ cultural context rabbits can symbolize anything from insanity, alertness, defenselessness, all the way to promiscuity, magic powers and utter innocence. By condensing the endless variations of the rabbit motif into one ultimate system – a perfect bunny mandala – the true nature of the beast emerges: the eternal essence of rabbit.

Pictoplasma ( asked internationally established and upcoming character designers, illustrators and artists around the globe to send in their versions of rabbits, bunnies, hares and everything in between. The result is a full-scale bunny overdose, with far more than 1.500 individual rabbits from 500+ international contributors. [Visual Complexity]

Stunning project by Stefanie Posavec.

The images shown here are a visualization of Part One from the book On the Road by Jack Kerouac. In this piece, entitled Literary Organism, each literary component was divided hierarchically into even smaller parts – Part, Chapters, Paragraphs, Sentences, and ultimately Words, the smallest branch in the diagram. Stephanie also created different colors to distinguish the eleven thematic categories she created for the entirety of On the Road.

Also read more here:

i’ve been following this ui blog for some time and i thought it would be better to share this post with you. don’t get the idea  ‘we should always use rounded rectangles’, that not the point..

Professor Nänni is saying that rounded rectangles are literally easier on the eye. Put another way, compared to square-edged rectangles, rounded rectangles are more computationally efficient for the human brain. To me, this is a revelation. An idea that at the very least demands more investigation.